Főoldal > 2018/19-as tanév képzési programja > Informatikai szaknyelvi kommunikáció (angol nyelv)

Tantárgy kódja


Tantárgy neve

Informatikai szaknyelvi kommunikáció (angol nyelv)

Tantárgy angol neve

ESP: Information Technology



Félévi követelmény

Gyakorlati jegy

Heti óraszám

0 + 2
Elmélet + Gyakorlat

Ajánlott félév


Cél angol

The objective of the course is to familiarise students with the basic IT functions, terminology and functional language usage in English. The students will also acquire linguistic skills which enable them to read and translate English articles and special literature without a dictionary. They will also understand instructions and use programmes in English. We also aim to develop communicational skills in English in the field of IT so that the individuals will be successful at a job interview and will be able to engage in conversations in English thus meeting the requirements of the labour market.

Tartalom angol

The main topics of the semester are: basic knowledge of information technology and electronic networks, operating basic programmes at user level, multimedia and web services, internet etiquette, data protection and safety.


Gyakorlati jegy (Írásbeli köztes és záró dolgozat)

Számonkérés angol

A mid-term test and an end-term test


1. Dawid Gordon Smith and Eric Baber: Teaching English with Information Technology (Modern English Publishing, 2005) 2. Eric H Glendinning - John McEwan: Oxford English for Information Technology (Oxford University Press, 2003) 3. Gavin Dudeney & Nicky Hockly : How to Teach English with Technology Book (Longman, Pearson Education, 2007) 4. Bill Brierley: Computers as a Tool in Language Teaching (Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1991) 5. John de Szendeffy: A Practical Guide to Using Computers in Language Teaching (University of Michigan.) 6. Molnár Zsuzsanna: Szakmai idegen nyelvi kommunikáció, informatikai szaknyelv - Angol TÁMOP 2015. ISBN: 978-615-5545-29-0

Irodalom angol

1. Dawid Gordon Smith and Eric Baber: Teaching English with Information Technology (Modern English Publishing, 2005) 2. Eric H Glendinning - John McEwan: Oxford English for Information Technology (Oxford University Press, 2003) 3. Gavin Dudeney & Nicky Hockly : How to Teach English with Technology Book (Longman, Pearson Education, 2007) 4. Bill Brierley: Computers as a Tool in Language Teaching (Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1991) 5. John de Szendeffy: A Practical Guide to Using Computers in Language Teaching (University of Michigan.) 6. Molnár Zsuzsanna: Szakmai idegen nyelvi kommunikáció, informatikai szaknyelv - Angol TÁMOP 2015. ISBN: 978-615-5545-29-0

Tantárgyfelelős intézet kódja


Tantárgyfelelős oktató

Konczné dr. Nagy Zsuzsanna Julianna